Saturday 6 July 2013

The Actual Route

The planned route worked pretty well but there were a few issues which I'll point out in case anyone attempts to copy them. 

As a general comment, a lot of the route was on narrow country lanes that were rough in places and in Wales there were some rough, steep climbs and descents which needed care in the wet.

Day 2 just outside Tewkesbury one of the roads off the B4079 turned out to be a gated access road to a quarry. We'd noticed a signed NCN route a bit further back so turned around to follow that into Aston on Carrant but this turned into a farmyard, rough bridleway and then a field edge path complete with sheep.  The NCN signs still pointed across the fields so we walked for a mile or so and re-joined our route.

Day 3 near the start in Churchill, the right turn off the B4450 turns into a bridleway.  This was easily rectified by carrying on a bit further on the B4450 and turning right onto Old London Road.

There were a few other issues with bridleways, I can't remember where they all were, but they were easily navigated around by continuing on the main road.

The actual routes we took are linked below to Strava.  There are a few bits missing where I forgot to re-start the Garmin after lunch/coffee stops.

Day 1    Day2    Day 3    Day 4